Monday, January 30, 2012

Websites That Pays: List of 21 Get Paid To Blog Websites

If you are aiming at consistent and quickest way to make money from your blog, then you should look out for websites that pays to blog. Websites that pays to blog are those websites where you will be wring sponsored posts for advertisers. Websites that pays to blog or get paid to blog websites are marketplace for buying and selling paid reviews on top blogs in any niche. So get paid to blog websites work as a middleman between the potential advertisers and publishers.
Paid to blog websites are used by large as well as small bloggers to earn additional income from their self hosted and free blogs created on Blogger or WordPress type of content management systems best suited for managing blogs.
websites that pays Websites That Pays: List of 21 Get Paid To Blog WebsitesThere are lots of companies who will be interested in paying you good amount of money for writing about their products and services on your b log. With most of get paid to blog websites, you will need a popular blog in its niche with good amount of traffic coming from search engines for targeted search terms. With paid to blog websites, you will have full control over the kind of paid reviews you actually want to accept on your blog and for what prices.
In every niche, there are some blogs, where advertisers want to see good words about their website products and services. And through paid blogging websites, they can achieve the same by paying a decent amount of money in exchange for positive or natural review about their services.
You will need to submit your best blogs on these networks to increase your chances of making money with them. Most popular websites that pays to blog accept only aged, frequently updated and high search engine traffic blog only. So once you are accepted by get paid to blog websites, you should check your account on these websites from time to time. Apart from this, you should have a Paypal account as most paid blogging websites send payments via Paypal to its publishers. With some paid to blog networks, you can ask for a check even. Amount of money you can think of making for every published review varies from $5 to $500 or even which depends upon your blog popularity and advertiser’s paying capacity.
If you are also one of those like me who believe get paid to blog websites can really help you in making great amount of income from your blog, here is the ultimate list of websites that pays to blog:

1. Sponsored Reviews

sponsoredreviews Websites That Pays: List of 21 Get Paid To Blog WebsitesSponsored Reviews is a marketplace for buying and selling paid reviews and is a win-win situation for both the advertiser and publisher. Publishers are able to earn some extra income for doing their regular blogging and advertisers are able to get benefit by spreading links and words about their websites and services on top blogs in their niche. Targeted links from top blogs in their niche help advertisers generate more traffic from search engines and thus more business inquiries and sales. Your blog should be 3 months old, indexed in major search engines and 10 high quality posts before you go for applying as a publisher with Sponsored Reviews website. Click here to know how to start making money writing paid reviews for Sponsored Reviews website.

2. LinkWorth

linkworth Websites That Pays: List of 21 Get Paid To Blog WebsitesLinkWorth is a marketplace for buying and selling text links and paid reviews on blogs. Link Worth has 10’s of products that advertisers and publishers can use to get maximum benefit from their websites and blogs. Apart from writing reviews and selling links on blogs, publishers can earn extra income by sending quality advertisers to LinkWorth marketplace.

3. ReviewMe

reviewme Websites That Pays: List of 21 Get Paid To Blog WebsitesReview Me is an active marketplace where publishers are paid good amount of money for writing reviews as per advertisers requirements. You should have an active and popular blog before you go for applying as a publisher with Review Me as they only accept popular blogs in their network. Chances of your blog being accepted into ReviewMe marketplace increase if it carries high page rank, alexa rankings, RSS subscribers etc.

4. Smorty

smorty Websites That Pays: List of 21 Get Paid To Blog WebsitesWrite your views about publisher’s websites on your blog and get paid from advertisers. You will be paid at least $6 for every paid review you write for Smorty advertiser’s on your blog. In the past I had great success writing paid reviews for advertisers on this network. But recently it has gone a bit inactive. But since it’s one of websites that pays to blog, I’m including it in this list. You need to login into your Smorty account frequently to grap open money making opportunities. Once you have written and submitted a paid review for approval into Smorty, it takes 4-5 business days before approving your paid review. They used to send payments every week to eligible publishers into their Paypal accounts.

5. PayPerPost

payperpost Websites That Pays: List of 21 Get Paid To Blog WebsitesPay Per Post is one of most trusted get paid to blog websites where publishers are paid decent money for every review they publish for advertisers on their blogs. Your chances of making money with pay Per Post are huge if you have a blog having high page rank like 5 or 6. Your blog must have 3 months age, it should be in English and 20 quality posts in last three months before you went on to apply as a publisher with Pay Per Post blog marketing network.

6. BlogsVertise

blogsvertise Websites That Pays: List of 21 Get Paid To Blog WebsitesAgain you need to submit your best blog for approval in case you want to get approval into Blogsvertise network. Once accepted, you will start receiving get paid to blog opportunities directly into your inbox. We need to give at least three links to advertiser’s website in our review and our review length should be more than 100 words. We are supposed to complete each given task within five days after assigned to us. I himself had some success writing paid reviews for advertisers available on Blogsvertise website on my free blogs in the past.

7. LinkFromBlog

linkfromblog Websites That Pays: List of 21 Get Paid To Blog WebsitesBest thing about Link From Blog website is that they don’t change any commission from publisher’s earnings. Advertisers can use various parameters like Alexa Ranking, Page Rank, domain page and backlinks count etc to find the blogs of their choice in their chosen categories. As a publisher, you can send invitation to all advertisers showing your interest of writing paid reviews for them. In response, advertisers can reject, accept or reply back with their counter offer for your invitation.

8. BuyBlogReviews

buyblogreviews Websites That Pays: List of 21 Get Paid To Blog WebsitesBuy Blog Reviews is a paid blogging network very similar to Sponsored Reviews website keeping in mind they also allows all bloggers to place bids all open opportunities. You can make any money from $5 to $100 for even more from each approved opportunity. They have been keeping a 70:30 revenue ratio with their publishers. They used to send payments twice a month via paypal to all eligible publishers.

9. Blogitive

blogitive Websites That Pays: List of 21 Get Paid To Blog WebsitesBlogitive is another opportunity where we can earn some extra income by writing paid reviews on our blogs. You will be able to make $5 for each approved opportunity into your Blogitive account and the minimum word count that you need to write for each paid post on your blog is 100 words only. So $5 for writing 100 words is not a bad deal at all.

10. Teliad

teliad Websites That Pays: List of 21 Get Paid To Blog WebsitesTeliad is a text link buying and selling marketplace. Apart from text links selling, we can sell paid reviews on our blog to potential advertisers on Teliad. Recently, I himself had great some success writing paid reviews for advertisers available on this advertising network. I was able to get $60 plus for each paid review that I wrote for advertisers on this website.

11. BlogToProfit

blogtoprofit Websites That Pays: List of 21 Get Paid To Blog WebsitesBlog to Profit accepts blogs that provide unique and high quality content only. Your blog must be 2 months old and should be updated twice every week. Once a task has been assigned to a blogger blog, they need to submit the same in the next 5 days. In the absence of this, that task will be passed onto other bloggers. Bloggers need to write 150 plus words per paid review and they need to make sure, the paid review remain live on their website for the next one year at least.

12. LoudLaunch

loudlaunch Websites That Pays: List of 21 Get Paid To Blog WebsitesLoud launch is a paid blogging network that potential advertisers are using to create buzz, traffic, backlinks, branding and search engine visibility for their website products and services. Working as a publisher, you need to have an active blog having 2 months minimum age and verified Paypal account.

13. Blogadvertisingstore

blogadvertisingstore Websites That Pays: List of 21 Get Paid To Blog WebsitesAdvertisers are able to get better search engine rankings, targeted visitors and backlinks to their website by getting paid reviews on blogs of their choice through this blog advertising network. Bloggers are able to earn extra money from their blogs by writing paid posts for the open opportunities of their choice.

14. PayU2Blog

payu2blog Websites That Pays: List of 21 Get Paid To Blog WebsitesWe need to have 3 months old blog at least while applying for a publisher account on PayU2Blog website. PayU2Blog team takes 2-3 business days before accepting or rejecting a new publisher application. They have advertisers from all major categories. So as a blogger, you will find some opportunities matching your blog niche. They send payments in every two week to the eligible publishers.

15. BloggingAds

bloggingads Websites That Pays: List of 21 Get Paid To Blog WebsitesBlogging Ads website gives us the opportunity to make money from our blogs by selling ad space and writing paid reviews for advertisers available on this paid to blog website. The average money you will be making while working as bloggers with Blogging Ads website is $5.

16. Bloggertizer

bloggertizer Websites That Pays: List of 21 Get Paid To Blog WebsitesBlogger Tizer is another websites that pays us to post paid links and paid reviews on our blogs. So you will be making some money for every link or paid review that you publish on your blog through this paid blogging website.

17. ReviewStream

reviewstream Websites That Pays: List of 21 Get Paid To Blog WebsitesReview Stream website allows us to make some extra money by submitting our review on their website. You can make $1.50 or even more per submitted review depending upon your review quality and number of votes it’s generated. You are not supposed to use the same review on your blog as it may result in termination of your account from Review Stream network.

18. SoftwareJudge

softwarejudge Websites That Pays: List of 21 Get Paid To Blog WebsitesWe can make money in the range of $50 even for a good written review for the software’s that are mentioned on Software Judge Website. So we are supposed to write reviews about software’s that are available on this website.

19. Epinions

epinions Websites That Pays: List of 21 Get Paid To Blog website pays real people for writing unbiased reviews about the products. We are supposed to write 20 words at least in our review to be eligible to get our review published on their website.

20. BlogDistributor

blogdistributor Websites That Pays: List of 21 Get Paid To Blog WebsitesAdvertisers use Blog Distributor paid network to get high rankings for their websites. When we as bloggers are linking to advertisers websites in our blog posts as per client request will help them in better search engine rankings and thus more business for them in the form of their products or services.

21. SocialSpark

socialspark Websites That Pays: List of 21 Get Paid To Blog WebsitesSocial Spark gives us the opportunity to make money from our blogs by writing about the advertiser’s products, services and their websites on our blog. For each opportunity that we receive from advertisers, we can reject it, accept it or can do further negotiation with the advertiser.

Top 10 Onpage SEO Factors That Really Matters

When you browse Internet to fulfill your thrust for various Onpage SEO Factors, you will find too many Onpage tips and lots of them don’t work in today’s search engine scenario. So in today’s post, I’m including top 10 Onpage SEO factors that you should give utmost importance that really works with Google latest algorithms.
onpage seo factors Top 10 Onpage SEO Factors That Really Matters
Onpage Optimization is most difficult and most fruitful part when it comes about optimizing a website so that your website ranks well on major search engines for their targeted terms. Onpage elements make use of lots of HTML tags including Title tag, Meta tags, heading tags, image tags, bolds, italics, underline, list type tags etc. We need to make sure we are using the targeted keywords in a natural way in our website contents.
Presence of Mata Keyword tag has no influence on your website rankings as far as Google is concerned. So you can simply ignore that. So you need to be sure about the tips that you are implementing on your website and whether they are compatible with latest Google Algorithms or not.

1. Writing SEO Optimized Titles

If you are asked to work on only one Onpage SEO factor, this is the biggest Onpage SEO Factor you should pay special attention to. When writing your page titles, you should make sure you are including targeted keyword towards the beginning of your title. You should restrict your title within 65 to 70 characters only (including spaces). You should write a Title copy that people will find interesting enough to be clicked as that will help you get CTR in search engine result pages. If people don’t like your title content, they won’t click your website listing in search engine results even if you are rankings on top for your targeted keywords.

2. Write Engaging Meta Description

It’s very true, your meta description copy does not play any role in your website search engine rankings. But most of time, Google used to show up meta description data as part of your website listing description in search result pages. So writing a good meta description copy could help you get more clicks to your website even if your website is placed below your competitor website in search engine result pages.

3. Keyword Density

Keyword density is all about repeating the targeted keywords in your website contents. Keyword density is calculated on the basis of total number of times a keyword is used your web page content and divide it by total number of words in that page content. And then multiply the result with 100 to get your keyword density percentage. Suppose the targeted keyword Onpage SEO Factors is used 8 timers in page content and the total word count in that page is 400 words. So the keyword density for Onpage SEO Factors keyword in that web page will be 2%. Ideally you should try to limit your keyword density to 2 percent only.

4. Image Naming Convention

Your image names should be created keeping in your targeted keyword in mind. Apart from using your targeted keyword as part of image, you should add alternative text with each image used on your website pages. Again it will be beneficial if you could include your targeted keyword as part of your alternative text.

5. Linking to Trusted Domains

Then it’s about linking out to trusted domains only. Google maintains TrustRank for each website, which is calculated on the bases of whom you are linking and what kind of websites are linking to you. So whenever you link to external websites, make sure you link to websites and blogs having good TrustRank in the eyes of Google.
Linking out to your own website pages will help those pages better search engine rankings and high page rank value. When linking out to external websites, you need to make sure you are linking to high authority websites only.

6. Canonical URL’s

Canonicalization is all about deciding whether we want to use www version or non www version for your website home and internal pages. We need to be consistence with that and should go with only one version and later should be directed to the first. And when linking to our website pages, we should link using the preferred version. Suppose you have decided to use www version for your website pages, in this case, all non www version should be automatically redirect to their www versions. And when getting links for our website, we should make sure we are using www with our website URL’s.

7. Write High Quality Unique Contents

It should be considered as one of most important Onpage SEO Factor. When writing contents for your website, you need to make sure you are delivering high quality contents only and not copying all or fractions of your website contents from other popular websites and blogs on Internet. If you are doing so, you are making a blunder. After latest algorithmic change from Google in the form of Panda Update, Google has been very strict against use of duplicate or low value added contents. In the recent times, Google has lowered down the search engine rankings of lots of popular websites as they were delivering scrapped contents.

8. Use your Robots.txt file Smartly

We used to create a robots.txt file in your website root folder. Robots.txt file is basically used to block certain kind of content types from our website being indexed in search engines. We can use this file to block certain files, certain folders and specific URL patterns being crawled in search engines. With each websites, there will certain content type that we don’t want to show to search engines. And we fulfill that motive through robots.txt file.

9. Adding Contents on Frequent Basis

With this, you need to make sure you update your website with fresh contents on regular basis. Search engines love those websites that are updated on daily or weekly (at least) basis. So if you are running a website around certain products or services, you won’t see many changes in your products level. So what you can do is start writing blogs on your website around your products, services or things related to your niche that your website readers would be interested in reading about.

10. Cross Browser Compatibility

You need to make sure that your website is compatible with the most used versions of all modern browsers including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, Opera and Netscape etc. Optimizing your website for these browsers will send pleasing experience for your website readers in browsers of their choice.
Onpage SEO is an ongoing process and thus you should keep on making changes to website at various levels. You cannot get top rankings in search engines without taking care of above Onpage SEO factors. So spend some time making the suggested changes on your website home and internal pages and wait for the new changes to be index in Google and other search engines. Once your latest Onpage SEO changes are indexed in search engines database, you may notice changes in your website rankings for its targeted keywords.

8 Tips to Make More Money from Your Blog

The day your blog start getting hundred or even fifty hits even from search engines, you will start looking on internet to find ways that can help you make money from your blog. Internet is flooded with thousands of money making programs that are claiming to be helping you earn decent amount of earn money very quickly. No doubt, some of them will be legit ways to make money from a website or blog, but most of them are just scrap and you need to avoid such fraud money making programs or websites. With today’s guest post, I’m sharing 10 tips that will really help you earn lots of cash from your blog:

Make More money By Google Adsense Kind of Advertising Networks

The first thing that comes to our mind whenever we think about making money online from a website and blog is Google Adsense. Google Adsense is a pay per click advertising network owned by Google. You need to sign up as a publisher before start showing Google Adsense Ads on your blog. And in case you are unable to get approval from Google Adsense team, here is a list of Google Adsense Alternative that you can use to gain the money making opportunity you were losing due to Google Adsense publisher rejection.
make money online blog money
How to earn More Money from your blog

Selling Banners Ads through Banner Advertising Networks to earn money

Next thing you can do is sign up for leading banner advertising networks on internet. The most popular network for banner ads buying and selling is (BSA) website will approve your website into their online marketplace if they meet their specific criteria’s. They used to charge 25% of your total earnings that you made through them to showcase your blog listing into their marketplace. We can sell banners of different size, text links and sponsored tweets through BSA network.
Selling Direct Advertisements can increase your blog money
If you have a blog with some online reputation, you can try selling different kind of advertisements directly on your blog. For doing this, you need to create an advertising page on your blog and you need to mention all advertising options and the kind of traffic your blog receive on that page. Presence of advertising page on your blog will help potential buyer kind solutions to the kind of questions they have in general when they approach a website owner or blogger for advertising.

Doing Paid Reviews can be helpful to earn money on internet

No doubt you can offer paid reviews to advertisers as an advertising option to advertisers who approach you for advertising on your blog. And in case you are finding it hard to get enough paid reviews option on your blog, you can go for Sponsored Reviews and ReviewMe kind of paid review websites. Such websites will share 50:50 revenue with you for each task that you complete for their advertisers.

A Useful idea to make money online by Selling Text Link Ads

You can use (TLA) kind of text link buying and selling marketplace to sell text links on your blog. Text links are sold on monthly basis with TLA network. And they keep the 50% of your earnings as their fee for each text link sold on your blog. With LTA kind of text link networks, there will be some advertisers who will be approaching you directly for placing a text link in your blog sidebar or some specific pages in exchange for some cash or gift.

Doing Affiliate Marketing to gain extra money

make more money online

If you have a blog created around specific niche, services or products, you can earn good amount of money from affiliate websites. With some blogs, we have noticed they are making much more with affiliate networks then they were able to make while showing Google Adsense Ads on their blogs. Some popular websites that provide affiliate promotion facility are ClickBank, Amazon, LinkShare and Commission Junction.

Make Money Own Selling Product or Services

It can be a real money maker if you can create a product of your own and sell that through your blog. If your product is fulfilling the needs of even small portion of internet users, there is every chance you can make big money with your blog. And if you are good at providing certain kind of services, start promoting that through your blog. I have noticed lots of bloggers in blogging niche are making thousands of dollars every month for small scale services like Blogger to WordPress Migration, WordPress Theme Customization, and WordPress SEO Services etc.

Using In Text Advertising Networks -A Perfect alternative to Google adsense money

You can make some dollars every month from your blog selling in-text advertising on your blog. Two in-text advertising networks I’m aware about are InfoLinks and Kontera. If you have blog that generates majority of traffic from US, you can make good amount of money with these in-text advertising networks. Websites or blogs carrying majority of traffic from India don’t seem to be getting much success with InfoLinks kind of advertising websites.
I hope I covered most of popular ways bloggers are using to make lots of money from their blogs. Have I missed a make money online method that is giving you good amount of earning from your blog, please share in the comments section below?

How To Hack Facebook In 51 Seconds

So Byron Ng isn't a real Facebook hacker. But apparently it isn't hard to become one, if you've got any technical skills at all. Hacking Facebook is a cottage industry, with hundreds or thousands of unpaid workers beavering away. The video below shows how to monkey with your friends "Moods" app -- in less than 1 minute.
Right now the worst case-scenario for Facebook apps usually means someone's private photos get exposed -- and even the most gullible Facebook user there's no such thing as true privacy on the Web. (Right?) But as Facebook gets more ambitious -- see its upcoming PayPal-like currency -- that's going to change.
Is Facebook easier to hack than other sites of similar size? How about compared to other social networks? And if so, what should Zuckerberg & Co. do about it? Let us know in comments

How to Protect Your Facebook Account

DISCLAIMER: This article Just discuss my research on How someone could Get your Facebook Password.We are not providing any service  for that.Please take this article as  Security Majors to protect your Facebook account. Please Don’t comment to get control over someone account.

Now a days Facebook becomes the number#1 social networking portal that touches every one’s life. 
People are now a days looking to Hack Facebook  to steal someones’ personal life. 60% people are looking for control over their girlfriends Facebook account ..!!. A lot of people contact me about suspecting their boyfriend/girlfriend of cheating, They ask for a Tutorial for getting Facebook Account passwords.
There are many websites that give  guaranteed solution for that  and try to sell video that demonstrate that.
Protect Facebook account
I personally interested in Facebook security to reveal my few fellow guys,I looked for various Facebook methods taken on web about Facebook here i am going to share  my experience of search for Facebook account security. I am going to expose whole my search on that topic  and I don’t want people to ask this to me again and again.

Different Ways to get control over Facebook Account

Facebook account can be steal from one of following ways.
  1. Facebook Phishing
  2. By use of Key logger
  3. Get control on Primary email address

Facebook Phishing Attack :

This is one of the most popular methods to get control over Facebook account online.also it is the one of the best popular and favorite method. Phishing not only allows you to hack Facebook but also can be used to hack any email account. You have to only get the trick used to make a phisher, which i think is very easy. Phishing is one of the easiest methods to foll someone and get Facebook account password. I mention the process for educational purpose only.

Use Key logger to get Facebook passwords

Installing key-logger on victims machine and later read key logs to gain access to facebook account for free. To Install keylogger, you should have a physical access to  victim’s case, you don’t have , then you can install key-logger remotely.
What a key-logger does is it stores the keystrokes into a text log file and then these  logs can be used to  get required Facebook password.

Get access to Primary email address to get control over someone’s Facebook account

let say,if you want to gain access  to someones account, i think getting victims email address(Primary email address of Facebook) is easier than hacking of facebook. Most of the users uses 1 gmail or yahoo account email address as as primary email address. A genius person can easily gain over victims’ gmail account or yahoo email account.
After gaining control over primary email address of facebook, you simply use the  “Forgot password” facility that will ask Facebook to send password reset email to your primary email address- which is already have.
Thus, your Facebook account password will be reset and to get control Facebook account you already have another alternative as well !

You Must Know :

From my goggling and research, I found above three methods for gaining access of Facebook account information as the best and working.
I never encourage get control over Facebook.I just wanna make you aware about Facebook security and related risk involve with primary email address of Facebook. I will appreciate your effort if you discuss about how we can keep facebook account secured.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

"Few pages from a girl's diary"

(As we all know that girls are more emotional than guys. But guys are more expressive than girls.:) Thats why many girls likes to diary their feelings and unsaid things. i think because of their lack of memory :) ha ha just kidding .     When a girl is alone in every aspects her diary becomes her best friend. Through this i just want to make you all understand that why girls need best friends and friends not like always boy-friends. Here i showed one more thing that a best partner can only be the best friend of yours. hope my attempt may convince you.....^_^)

                            “Life teaches us at every step..”

-The moment you start trusting someone blindly..That person breaks you!
-When you expect your silence to be understood.. people take your words wrong!
-When you want your special friend to hug you.. he hurts you even more!
-When you feel like cherishing the moments.. People don't have time anymore for you..
-They promise you to be there for you all your life.. but when you show your true side in the pain they say its attitude!
-Gestures aren't important even though shown heartily..but fake words are appreciated!
-& wen u learn from all the hardships you went through and decide to accept them.. people say you have changed!
*This is how life goes on.. Strange but true :)

Here it goes -it’s a story by a girl with a guy…. The difference is they never wanted to experiment love. But unfortunately divinely it happened……   !!!!

As the girl wrote in her diary :

Many times we decided to meet but we didn’t …. At last we met one day .
I couldn’t forget the first meet, we both came in violet dress J we both came wearing same colors so I asked him chocolate and that idiot gave me half coz half of it he  already had  while waiting for me. ;) I didn’t felt that I m meeting him for the first time. I was very frank and comfortable with him don’t know why but I felt really good….. and that’s our first meet.!

And our second meet …. God I cant forget that !!! it was raining and I was at my  college function and he came just to meet me down. Damn whole college of mine literally saw us both and he was getting late too. That day I felt really good that he’s  my friend.          

Third meet …..Golden beach J  it was little funny.  We enjoyed a lot while experiencing quite awesome  rides. And here comes the funny part when my mom informed about a strike on roads ooh damn he lost his fuse as we were  getting late for home. I handled him instead of him. :)  and the biggest thing of that day is I cooked for the first time. I cooked “KHEER” for him . don’t know why  I felt to cook but I did just see him happy . we had my experiment while sitting at the beach “quite romantic”.

Fourth meet….  That day I was feeling so alone from the beginning of the day. Then he called up and he suddenly figured it out that I m sad. So he asked me to join his bunch  of friends for a beach visit. I enjoyed a lot and sadness melted into the smiles and giggles with them all. First time time I saw his care for me. :)
After that meeting is just a piece of cake.  Slowly –slowly with the flow of wind we became closer. I was an antisocial girl, but after meeting him and knowing him I learnt to express and throw my words as I m doing it now.

…………I never wanted to lose him even I cant tell him how special he is to me and still he is…………
He said many things to me but I took all in joke because I was afraid . but when he said that all somewhere I too felt . I tried to control myself not to fall but its just the thing no one can resist. And when it comes to him its impossible.

……..After reaching home everyday from college my first act is to check my mobile for your messages and wish him morning and nights everyday…….

…… the truth is even I want to be in a relationship with him  but I m afraid to lose him ….

……… he said me in a funny way  “dear just say yes and I will take you to the moon in the noon when he’ll be  out of duty ” :)…….

I cant explain more as I’m not good as him when it comes to writing nice things…  L

…….. today he left for his hometown and while seeing him off I wanted to cry but his smiling face made me to stop my tears. I felt like hugging him…. Then after sometime stupid messaged me that even he wanted to hug me once… ahhh and that time I cried…..

…..even he is at his hometown he messages me…..i missed him a lot.

“Sometimes missing gives sweet feeling than remembering, coz we can remember many. But, we miss only the one we never want to lose!”

….today he came and we decided to meet the next day…

…. “How can anyone be just friends with someone when every time you see them and you want them even more”………..                               

……. We both are very much similar at many thoughts and views , but somewhere totally opposite…..

……”Love is not finding someone to live with, it’s finding someone you can’t live without “ 
……and I found him in that place….

…….“Loving someone doesn’t mean you have to be with  that someone, but still I wanted to be with him even after knowing that he has a girl”……

…. He don’t know how much I love him….. damn now I felt love <3

                                      “I aM IN LOVE…….” 

I am in love and it’s because someone ‘s  thoughts are keeping my mind busy ,
I m in love and it’s  because someone somewhere cares for me no end.
I am in love and it’s because I sense a joy in living for someone special
I am in love with that someone for whom I m writing this,
I am in love and its because wonderful moments are being created every moment.

…..i miss him when something really good happens coz I wanted to share with him only,
I miss him when something is troubling me,
I miss him when I laugh and cry,
He’s the one who can make my laughter grow and my tears disappears ,
But I miss him the most when I ‘m awake at night and think of all the wonderful times we spent with each other, those were the best moments  of my life…..

……yesterday night I slept while texting him so I after  morning i simply scolded myself for the reason I fell asleep……

.13th feb’11 …. He kissed me on my right cheek that too at bus stop…. That was simply sweet and cute….

14th feb’11.. that idiot didn’t said me anything :@ ……..

……. I love him coz he is the one I could trust. When he holds my hand I simply don’t let it go. I wanted it to last forever….

…… we used to argue on stupid things . I like to see his cute red face when he gets irritated and mad….

…….Ya am always with him even  after these all fights cant he understand that i cant leave him. He is really  an  idiot ;-)…..

….. I loved him so much and strong and now I think nothing will go wrong….

…… “missing him isn’t the hardest part knowing that I once had him” ……

………I might not get to see him as often as I’d like, I may not yet to hold him in my arms but deep in my heart I know it’s true. No matter what happens I will always love him…..

……  I love the way he looks at me . His eyes so bright and brown i love the way he kisses me :-* i love the way he make me happy the way he say i love you bitch :-) and the way he says “I’m always there for me” i love the way he touches me always try to make my hot body chill.. Am glad tat he is mine .ahh !!! is he mine?:-( only mine ?........

…… Hmm I’m not so special but he makes me too special ,I’m not so beautiful but he makes me to feel like a princess and now there are many reason to like myself.I like my hands when he holds it .i like my name when he use to call me. i like my eyes when he  sees it .i like myself when he hugs  and kisses me and between us love is loved more when he loves me and i live my life only when he  lives in me. Sometimes life plays game to separate us but it doesn't know that we are more bonded and will never get separated  and after every fight our relation becomes more and more stronger than before. Thanx to SHIVA ALLAH AND JESUS for gifting me an idiot. Love him to my hearts  core :-* and i know he  does  the same .. We are not friends nor lovers but our relation is more than any relation in the world after parents :-) love you to my only prince. shower of kisses to you hope our relation will last for ever……..

……….All i ever wanted to be part of his heart and for up to be together, To never  be apart. No one in the  world can even compare, he is  perfect and so is this love that we share. We have so much more than i ever thought  we would, i love him so much more than i ever thought i could. I promise to give him  all i have to give. I'll do anything for him as long as i live. I hope that someday he'll come to realize how much i love him...;-(:-(………..

……. He’s  very special to me . his touch  doesn't seems like others i feel he touched my soul. His kisses i too got addicted to it and his hugs just tells me that am very safe with him and he’s only mine . love you :-*

 “Everyone says love hurts, but that isn’t true… loneliness hurts, rejection hurts, losing someone hurts. But in reality love is the only thing in this world that covers up all pains and make someone full wonderful again… love is the only thing in this whole world that doesn’t hurt”

“ we can’t beg someone to stay if they want to leave, and be with someone else. We have to admit that love doesn’t give us any license to own a person. This is what love means…..